Refusing a pelvic exam in early pregnancy


I’ve used a midwife for my last two pregnancies so I know a pelvic exam early on is 100% unnecessary so long as you’re up to date on your paps. I had a smear done just last month a week before I ovulated. However, I have to see an mfm first this time and I know they’re going to be insistent on a pelvic exam. I have a posterior cervix that that doctors always have trouble finding so they get very rough with me and then I end up bleeding after. I’m pretty sure it was a pelvic exam done by an on call OB at the hospital last time that really accelerated my pre-term labor and I do feel a bit of trauma over that yet. She was incredibly rough digging around to find my cervix to the point that her hand was covered in blood when she pulled it out of me😩

I have an ultrasound a few days before so they will know the status of my cervix from that.

I’m not sure how to go about declining it without appearing that I don’t trust their care. Any tips?