god give me the strength


This boy has been screaming his lungs out since 6:30. Won’t eat, won’t sleep. Doesn’t want to be held. I gave him gas medicine. I’m literally out of ideas on how to help this boy. I’m on the verge of pulling my own hair out 😭😭😭😭😭 the witching hour is REAL in my house right now.

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Posted at
Have kids they said...they’re bundles of joy😅😅😅😅😭😭😭🍷🍷I’m sorry. “It’s not forever” has been my mantra lately but man I can’t wait until my kids stop crying all day everyday
Have kids they said...they’re bundles of joy😅😅😅😅😭😭😭🍷🍷I’m sorry. “It’s not forever” has been my mantra lately but man I can’t wait until my kids stop crying all day everyday


Kathryn • Jan 20, 2021
I know ugh I just took someone’s suggestion on a previous post about being them into a dark room and play some white noise. It’s actually calming him down I’m completely shocked it’s kind of working


Posted at
I’m on my second and I promise you that it gets worse before it gets better for each milestone. So when they are about to outgrow the short sleep spurts, there’s like a terrible night or few. Grow out of tummy troubles, a couple of bad days. So this could mean something really good is coming so 🤞 they might be overtired or overstimulated by a new progression which is why the white noise and darkness is working.


Kathryn • Jan 20, 2021
Thank you! My fingers are crossed 🤞🏼


Posted at
Oh i feel ya. The other day daddy went to the store to get somethin. Soon as he leaves baby boy starts screaming and crying idk why, tried everything. I gave up, were both lookin at each other crying. Daddy comes home and he goes right back to being a happy little baby 😒 like what the heck 😭


Kathryn • Jan 22, 2021
Lmfao omg his dad does the same thing! “Is mommy being mean to you? Don’t worry I’ll save you” I’m like really dude? I’m the one who has kept you alive this whole time. YOUR WELCOME! & same here. He does things around the house and I keep the baby alive haha. He does help with feeding at night so I have to give him credit for that 😂 we do take turns


Ana • Jan 22, 2021
My baby daddy likes to joke "is mom being mean to you?" "Did mommy pinch you/bop your butt" cuz baby will be happy smiles calm when he leaves the room. When he comes back baby is crying/fussing. 😂😂 and im just like "whyyyy baby? I take care of you most" I do all the feedings and diaper changes and baths. (I take of baby, daddy takes care of the rest of the house stuff)


Kathryn • Jan 22, 2021
Girl! Don’t even get me started. My son LOVES to scream with me. As soon as daddy is around, he is the happiest little muffin... are you kidding me dude? You’re making me look like a liar! His dad said “he looks so happy what do you mean he’s been cranky all day?” I’m like “he’s fooling you! Don’t believe those smiles!” 🤣🤣


Posted at
Crying mostly since 4:00pm...fed at 4:30pm, they passed out before finishing the meal then woke 10min later crying again, by 8pm only had one 10min nap and finally they are eating again and possibly falling asleep??? 4+ hours of mostly bawling and unable to put the kiddo down. As soon as you sit or set the kid down more bawling. Poor nugget is so overwhelmed.


Kathryn • Jan 20, 2021
Yes girl yes. We are all feeling it 😭 seriously no fun at all. I look at my son and I’m like “I wish you could just tell me what you want so I can give it to you!” Lol


Posted at
This whole day has been rough as hell 😣 both my and my little boy have basically been crying all day... things are getting more difficult instead of easier it feels like...I can’t wait till he’s a little older


Kathryn • Jan 20, 2021
I can’t tell you how much better I feel knowing it’s not just me 😭 thank you ladies


Jen • Jan 20, 2021
My baby girl seems to be on the same schedule. In the mornings she's sweet as can be but of course that's when I have to drop her off at the sitter so I can go to work. By the time I pick her up at 5pm I maybe get one hour of her being happy.... Then she gets more fussy the closer it gets to bedtime. It's so frustrating to miss out on her "happy window". I also can't wait to she's a bit older and stops crying for no reason I feel like.


Emily • Jan 20, 2021
Right?? All my family keeps saying how the time is flying and they can’t believe he’s almost 3 months old and I’m like “uh it feels like time is in slow motion and I really wish it felt like it was going fast”