Please i need help


Please share with me food or meals I can eat that will not upset my sons tummy.

My lil man is 1.5 months old. And was born having gas problems.

I tried cutting foods out but he was still gassy and fussy.

So i gave up and started just eating whatever we made for dinner. Well apparently I have F’d up. Because he is SO much worse than ever.

I literally couldn’t do ANYTHING today because he screamed on n off all day. He would nap for 5-10 mins to only wake up screaming in pain.

I give him gripe water or gas drops throughout the day, they sorta seem to help. But he doesn’t pass gas in these screaming fits. It’s like he has a massive stomachache. The next day or 2 from these screaming fits if he feels better thats when he farts. But then he complains of gas pains.

Im so aggravated and heartbroken!

I refuse to give him formula. Personal choice. NO HATE!!