Can you prevent a chemical pregnancy?


Okay so.... help a mama out.

I had 2 chemical pregnancies in a row. One at 5 weeks in November. And one at 4.5 weeks in December.

The December one I never really thought was viable... but the November one I sure did. And that was devastating.

And now... lo and behold. I’m 9 days DPO and I got another faint line.

I can’t tell my husband cuz I promised him I wouldn’t test until the day my period is due....

I have a 2 year old so I know my body can carry a baby to term... but 2 back to back chemicals with another pregnancy has me majorly wigged out.

Any advice other than relax and test this weekend?

I’m encouraged that a line showed up so quickly this time... it’s faint but it showed up after less than 2 mins.