Stressed and torn 😖 help please

I am currently 6 months and 3 weeks post partum with my first child. As I am a couple of days late on my period my fiance and I decided to take take a test and it read pregnant. I am going to take another one in the morning to make sure.

But before we found out I've been thinking about how we needed to get on bc because I really want to just enjoy time with my first baby, without the stress of being pregnant in her first year of life. Ive also been out of work due to COVID-19, and concerned about going through all of this again during this pandemic. Im torn on what choice to make. I hate thinking about a termination but I also hate relating any negativity with this pregnancy and baby. I want it to be nothing but positive vibes for our next baby. I've suffered from depression and anxiety and post-partum depression after my first.