Crying over spilled milk (long rant)


I'm 7 weeks postpartum today and EBF. I've been pumping since day one but didn't keep up with it much since I was at home all day with baby. Last week I started working from home and my mom watches baby. I've of course started pumping every 1 1/2 to 2 hours so my mother can feed him. I have 27 oz stored that she uses and I replenish 6-10 oz a day. Anyways, today I managed to get 8 oz by noon. I was so proud of myself and happy! I While going to store 6 oz of milk, my SO asked to wash a container for him. I put the container of milk down to wash and look over to see all but an oz of milk had SPILLED out. I instantly started crying and felt awful. I worked very hard to get that much! I normally pump 1 oz to 2 oz a session. That's 3 sessions, 1 hour wasted. My SO looks at me with a poor you expression and said there is no reason to cry over spilled milk. I have a tad of postpartum depression and he doesn't quite understand it. He has been patient about it but is getting less understanding as more time passes. He asked why I didn't put a lid on it and instantly blamed me instead of trying to comfort me or help clean it up. I told him it's because he asked me to clean the container real quick since he needed it for work and he was basically out the door so I tried to hurry. He got defensive and it caused a small argument, the whole time him putting the blame on me and stating he doesn't know why I am crying about spilled milk, I can make more. I work very hard everyday to stay on top of pumping while I work and to make sure I pump at least what baby eats a day and I am a little stressed!! He said it's not hard to sit at a desk and pump. He doesn't understand how taxing it can be. Did I overreact when I cried? Should I be more understanding about him not understanding? I try to explain my depression to him and the stress of breastfeeding and pumping but it leads to me crying and him getting frustrated. Any ideas, options or advice?