Stressful day

Jay • Mom of three girls 💕 and last baby on the way 💚

I had a horribly stressful day. I am a foster care worker and was in court from 9:30 am until 4:30pm!

I was questioned almost the entire time. I am greatful the judge ruled in my favor! But I just sat there thinking how amazing and happy I am that I get to bring another baby into our home and life that I know will be taken care of. The only reason I do my job is for all those sweet babies who don’t have someone looking out for them. Who don’t have a parent who wants them. Or has one but has someone who is struggling. I pray all the time for all these sweet babes in foster care. But also pray and give thanks for all the ones who are loved and prayed for by their parents. I’m so excited for our baby girl