Sleeping routine advice


My 7 month old has recently started sleeping in his own room and crib maybe about 3 weeks ago. I was ebf but he wasn’t gaining weight so now I give him formula as well and I truly feel like that was made a difference. I know everyone has different views about it and it was for his health because his doctor was very concerned. I guess I just wasn’t making enough for him? 🥺 anyways. So I really believe the change has helped him sleep better and he’s sleeping his 7/8 hours at night. He’ll go to sleep about 8/9 and it never fails he wakes up at 5am. Sometimes I’m able to get him back to sleep for an hour or so but recently my husband has been trying to get me to move his bedtime to 10 pm which I don’t like at all. He gets fussy already after 7 pm so I’m not comfortable with that at all. And you know momma needs a break even if it means waking up early with the baby. He is currently taking 3 naps During the day. I try to get his last nap in around 4 pm and we start bedtime at 7:30 with bath then bottle and then he goes to sleep. Do you think I do need to let him sleep later? Cut a nap and space them out better? I just don’t want to do bedtime at 10 pm. I know some people don’t like routines and just go with the flow and that’s great but that’s not me. I need some sort of a plan (even if nothing goes accordingly I still need it lol) so if you have any tips please drop them down below. Thank you 🙏🏼