Should I go to Hospital? Or?

26wks pregnant on Friday

-Intense pain in the front of my pelvic area

-Does NOT feel like a contraction.

-Baby is still moving throughout the day.

-Started out as just feeling it once or twice throughout the week with minimal to no pain

(right around Christmas time),

-Then, it became once or twice throughout the day, every day, all week with mild pain.

(around Jan 8th or 9th).

-NOW, it’s starting to affect my day to day(ALL day).(Started evening/night of Jan 17)

**I spend A LOT of time laying in bed throughout the day instead of sitting on the couches/other furniture or being out in the family room.

When It Happens/About How It Feels

-Intense, gradual, and increasing pain when lifting my legs to put on pants, shorts, etc. Lifting one leg while holding onto something or while sitting doesn’t help.

-Walking from the bedroom to the bathroom(about 10-12 steps depending on starting spot), or from kitchen to living room(about 5-8 steps depending on starting spot) can sometimes be so painful, I’ll stop at the counter and just bend over and breathe through the pain. Continuing to move or try to sit down, just increases the burning sensation I feel under my skin if that makes any sense. The burning isn’t something a cream or steroid can reach. It’s not the surface of the skin but almost as if it’s stretching or pulling apart.

-At night time, it physically hurts to roll from left to right or vice versa. It’s starting to be difficult to even get out of bed to get up and pee throughout the night. Like sometimes it makes me cry. I use support pillows throughout the night, as well as one between my knees/thighs. Significant other works overnight and I sleep on the edge of the bed to make getting up easier.

-Sometimes while adjusting how I’m sitting because baby is moving a lot and it feels like she’s telling me it’s not comfortable for her, I’ll go to recline a little more or lean forward and it sends bolts of burning pain almost to my thighs and into my rectal area. It feels like sometimes it just radiates for a couple minutes too. Whether I go into another room and try to rub that area(because it’ll look questionable if I do it in front of others-front of pelvic area) or just breathe through the pain, it takes my breathe away for a second and it makes it very difficult to ease as rubbing/massaging just amplifies the pain, and does not help the burning sensation.

-Adjusting positions is challenging as it gives me not only pain and discomfort, but also Braxton Hicks. Only happened twice so far. Quickly went away.

-I can’t lift my 8month old at all to move from high chair to floor, out of crib, or to even move from one spot to the other. My other children help me throughout the day before their Nana comes over around 11am.

-Sometimes while standing to cook or clean my kitchen, or even sweep or vacuum our floors, the pain will radiate into the area around the lips of my vagina, but not the lips exactly. Like the muscle area around there, not the skin.

-I’ve tried several warm showers and a few baths(getting in and out, as well as up and down, is difficult and can sometimes be extremely painful in the front pelvic area.)

What can I do for the pain and burning? Is this normal? I have an appointment scheduled to see my OB on Feb 3rd. I don’t know how to directly contact her or the clinic I go to for care until morning time, it’s currently 12:03AM right now my time, but I’m so miserable and I’m just at a loss on what I can do for the pain management.