Molars and maybe regression?


For the past three weeks, my LO has had one very bad night for sleep- I’m talking my husband and I taking shifts trying to put her to sleep, and ultimately end up having her either sleep in our bed or we sleep with her on the recliner, because there is no other way to get her to sleep. But it’s only one night during that week. We had one this week, and I thought we were in the clear, but tonight she will not go to sleep and usually she falls asleep within 10-15 minutes, even when she’s clearly teething. She had loose poops the last two days, but she had good days besides that. No rosy cheeks even, maybe a little warm yesterday but not today.

This is the weirdest teething I have ever seen, if this is that. And it would be the weirdest sleep regression, if it’s that. I am going into work one day a week, but this was only my second week doing that, so I don’t think it’s a separation thing.

Were your experiences with molars also weird?