New Job, Possible Future Pregnancy


I am sooo excited. I just got offered a job literally right after the interview ended. ❤️The lady i interviewed with said I answered all the questions spot on. &That she loves my personality, that i would be perfect for the job! Then she also offered me more pay than I had asked for. Needless to say I am sooo blown away today and happy. I have been out of a job for almost a year. It took most of 2020 to get into school and finally complete it in December. I had also miscarried for a second time last year literally the first day of the year. So I was dealing with depression and anxiety pretty badly. I became so anxious, and developed PTSD. But I did therapy 2 days a week for about 5 months before I started school. It helped a lot, but boyyyy was it hard. Finally starting school at the end of the really rough year (2020). I was so mentally and emotionally burnt out, exhausted and on the verge of tears everyday. I’m happy I made it through though. Now I have a couple certifications, and I’m waiting to take my state license test.

I also just got the referral for the women’s health clinic with my native hospital. It took 4 years of infertility and TTC/ a couple miscarriages to finally get this appointment. My doctor mentioned that I ask to be put on Chlomid at this appointment. So I’ve been doing research on it, I am nervous but excited. My appointment isn’t until next month but I’m glad I’m finally getting the help that I need. I’m praying that it happens on the first try or within the three rounds. ❤️Please pray for me and send baby dust! Thank you.