Don’t judge (huffing while pregnant)

So this started out Innocently..

I’ve been going threw a lot and have been staying with a friend the last month.

Well he’s not a clean guy. So as repayment for me staying here and for the sole fact of just wanting to be in a clean place I would clean his bathroom and house up a little.

I would spray the tub and sink with Clorox and wait a while then scrub it out. I loved the smell and wanted to clean all day. I did not and I repeat (DID NOT) try and get high. I just enjoyed cleaning and it smelled good.

I started craving the smell of it and would smell detergents and soaps trying to please that urge. Nothing was enough not even cleaning anymore so I smelled it over and over straight from the bottle. I wasn’t thinking it would make me high and I’m not sure it ever has but my body craved it. I did have something like this with my four year old too but my craving was not cleaning supplies.. I stopped because my friend said it was bad for me and the baby and I honestly didn’t realize that until she pointed it out but I couldn’t stop myself. Is this considered huffing and Why is this happening ? Please don’t judge