
Katelyn • 💙7/29/2020

I need some serious help before I lose my shit.

My son will be 6 months next Friday. Up until the past two weeks he’s taken 3 naps a day usually around the same time every day and went to bed at 8 with one wake up around 4/4:30. Then all of a sudden he started waking up multiple times a night, sometimes before midnight and staying awake for HOURS. The last time he did this months ago I realized his last nap was too late before bedtime so I started ending his naps at 5 (it was 5:30). My problem is he seems to want to drop the 3rd nap because he fights me until he only gets about 10-15 mins of a nap before he needs to be up. But I’m struggling with two naps because he insists on waking up at 6 am every morning. Idk why. So do I move up bedtime? Or try to stretch his wake windows during the day? The only time he went to bed at 7:30 he was up for the day at 5:30 which is a no from me.

I seriously can’t wait til this kids a teenager and wants to sleep in on the weekends and I can go in his room at 6 am and wake his ass up

Also he will ONLY nap on me. He sleeps in his crib at night without issues. I feel like I need to break this but if I put him in his crib for a nap he just screams and doesn’t ever sleep.