Arg, the pain of no kids

My husband and I have been trying for kids for 3 1/2 years. We have the intent to sell our home at the end of the year and try embryo adoption. We’ve already tried 2 <a href="">IUI</a> with donor sperm which failed. Two of my sisters had their second child the same month and another close friend had her second that month too.

Pre-covid, it took sometime but we got used to the pain of no kids even around babies and kids.

Covid lockdown - it was nice. No triggers just had to ignore all the covid baby announcements on Facebook,

Now that people are slowly coming out of their shells it’s hard to see my friends baby (6months old) because their so obviously there. I cannot ignore the pain like I used too. I’m able to stuff it down when I’m around them but when I get home, I’m so sad. Just a deep painful sad.

How is everyone else doing with the lack of kids? Pre-covid, lockdown covid and whatever stage covid this is for you now?