He’s here!


It’s finally my turn to announce the arrival of my last baby boy! Krew Phillip Redd Morrow born Friday January 22 39w 1d at 10:05a.m weighing 6lb 12oz. Went in for an induction Thursday night but nothing progressed. They broke my water at 7:10 a.m on Friday morning and things really started to rock and roll. Was a 2 when they broke my water and at an 8 2 hours later whenever they finally got to my room for an epidural. 30 min after I got it, it was time to push he’s had some problems spitting up and had a tongue tie that was taken care of but other than that he’s doing wonderful and breastfeeding like a champ. Getting my tubes tied was a little more painful than I thought but I’m recovering well. So in love with my little boy and glad he is finally here because those last few weeks of my pregnancy were miserable!