Random pants in laundry

I left some laundry at my bfs place two weekends ago. The next weekend we went away to his friends ski house so the following weekend I went to his.

He throws the clean laundry on his bedroom floor so I was slicking through what I saw was mine

I put on a pair of leggings and realized I didn’t recognize them. They were my size but I still do not remember them. I did go shopping here and there for leggings but I thought I was staying away from black cuz I have too much. It is possible it slipped my mind and I brought them up. Its just bugging me. I wish I knew if they were mine or someone else’s

I only can see him on weekends and he works five days out of the week. So once he’s home maybe there’s time for him to bring someone over?

He reassured me they had to be mine or one of my friends because they weren’t his roommates gfs and their other friend who did laundry at their place he said hadn’t been over to do that in a couple months.

I feel like if it was a random girls he would of been like “they’re either yours or yeah Callie was over doing laundry so they might be hers” but he didn’t. So logically I assume he’s telling the truth and I’m an idiot. I just have bad anxiety with this stuff and I’m at work rn and a old lady just came up and was like “have a good night and watch out for those bfs!”


I can’t stop thinking about it ..

But then again he was cheated on by all his past gfs so he knows how it feels and I don’t think he’d do that. Plus he just brought me back to his home town again and I met more of his cousins and aunts and uncles etc (social distancing)

But i can’t fucking remember the damn mofo pants.