Fertility Pharmacy


Ladies, if you are new or don’t like your current pharmacy, this is the pharmacy my clinic recommended. SMP, South Miami Pharmacy. It’s smaller, and somewhat pricey, but WORTH it if you can manage it.

I called them around 5 pm their time & I had my refrigerated injection by noon the next day! AND the blue square on the card tells you if the med got too hot (genius!)!

The first pharmacy I used failed me several times but were very affordable (did not make up for their 💩) - they wanted me to order my meds 2-3 WEEKS in advance 🧐🤨 😒. Ridiculous.

SMP was very nice & had my meds to me the next day. However, 1 pen of Gonal F 300 IU is $300.

I felt like they took far better care of me than the first pharmacy.

Side note: I only used this pharmacy 1 time - because my first pharmacy refused to get the med to me on time.