MicroTESE: similar experience?

My husband has been diagnosed with non obstructive azoospermia after 3 sperm analysis, ultrasound and physical exam and bloodwork (including genetics which was all normal)

He went for microtese surgery this morning and when we left they included discharge instructions for a “vasal reconstruction” which can be done to fix an obstruction (which I thought we ruled out)

Wondering if there is any chance they found a blockage and unblocked it?? Anyone experience anything similar? We don’t have a follow up call with the surgeon for 3-5 days, he didn’t come talk to my husband post procedure and my husband was too out of it to realize they may have done something different??

We went into this morning thinking there was a 50/50 shot at finding sperm, and I’m now spiralling wondering if they found sperm and a blockage, and fixed the blockage??