BD befriends guys I know just to talk bad about me!

My baby daddy is seriously starting to get on my nerves big time! Ever since we broke up 2019 he has been trying to make my life hell ever since. He refuses to see or help with our kids, he will make up rumours and lies about me and spread them around our mutual friends and just anyone who will listen. He blames me for him not seeing the kids when he chooses not to. He stalks guys I talk to (even as friends) and tries to befriend them to talk bad about me and make up lies to spread around, he abuses guys I talk to, tries to fight them and then will be “friends” just to turn everyone against me. I cannot deal with all this anymore and the lies are only starting to get worst since his friends and family are starting to see right through his lies. I try my hardest to ignore the gossip but he tells people knowing it will get back to me and it makes me so mad each and every time! Btw, EVERYTHING he calls me, or says about me is the truth about him not me, but people take a while to figure out what his really like but are quick to believe the crap about me 🤦🏽‍♀️ how has anyone else gotten through this? We are a small town to the point of my best friend being his cousin, we all go to the same night club (this is where he spreads most of his lies) and it’s always the same people being seen all the time around the town. Just needed to vent before I go insane 🤯🤯