How are you mama’s / mama’s to be?


Guys how are you?

I’m like. Just so damn moody these days. It’s in part because it’s so hot where I am, I have a toddler who will be 2 in feb, I’m due around the 5th of March but my doc will induce likely end of feb. I’m just tired, I can’t move as fast and freely as I used to (duh) and I feel like I just miss my body.

Gosh I love my pregnancies and I know some women who have it so much harder than I do, so I’m not ungrateful I swear, but like these moods are actually making me psycho and I’m conscious of it! It’s like I just go from 0 to 10 angry in a matter of 0.025 seconds and I can’t control it!

Everything about myself is annoying me, so I think maybe that’s why I can’t help but project those feelings onto everything and everyone else. I feel so toxic lol.

Anyone else feeling like this? I don’t want to be this person but I just feel so out-of-body. I love the kicks and the hairless body and my luscious head of hair and the glowing skin. I love that I’m carrying a life inside of me, and I can’t wait to meet him. But I’m not happy with the constant pains, and if it’s not pain, I’m sweaty or my armpits are lumpy because of swollen milk ducts. Just venting, but curious if there’s any one else that relates.