Fetal tachycardia


I went to my 32 week OB appointment today and when the doctor checked baby’s heart rate with the Doppler she said she wanted to talk to a colleague because baby’s heart rate was 180. I was diagnosed with anemia a couple of weeks ago and they have me on supplements. Doctors came back inside and hooked me to a fetal monitor to check his heart rate for 30 minutes. His heart rate went from 140’s to high 170’s up to 180. His heart rate would go up mostly while he moved. And then would go back to baseline. My doctor thinks I’m dehydrated or maybe my iron levels have not increased, so they did more blood work to see if I need iron infusions. I’ve also was scheduled to have an ultrasound later today to fully check on baby. Has anyone’s baby’s heart rate been this elevated at this stage of pregnancy?