Induction scheduled



So my due date based off my LMP was March 22, but based off ultrasound today they said EDD was March 13. Baby girl is weighing 5 pounds 1 ounce, and is 98th percentile for a lot of her measurements. Others she’s 86th percentile. After going over the ultrasound today with my doctor, she’s comfortable inducing me in March 15, since I have a history of having bigger babies and she doesn’t want me having any complications like baby not fitting through birth canal. I’m excited to have a date set in stone, so now I can finish preparing. Anybody else having their babies around the 15th?

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Posted at
My due date is March 3 but they are inducing me feb 18


Posted at
I’m due March 17th but i doubt baby girl will stay in until then lol


cece • Jan 29, 2021
Yea same with me my doctor said she big so they hope she come out the natural way or ima have to get a c section and i really don’t want that


Shauna • Jan 29, 2021
I’m not sure mine will stay in til the 15th. She’s already 5 pounds 1 ounce and I’m only 32 1/2 weeks along.


Posted at
Due date is March 19th 💕


Posted at
Scheduled c section March 18th with my second! :)


Posted at
My due date is March 15th!:)