comfront him or ignore it?


To not make my story too long. My husband and father of 3 kids met a woman at his wrk abt 7yrs ago. He seemed to know so much abt her life then and too envolved in her life at the time. He even had her social media accounts and number on his cell. At the time we had a huge fight abt it bc we had an agreement to not get too close to anyone from the opposite sex if we met them after us getting together. We were both young in our 20s we already had my oldest daughter at the time abt a year old or so. I admit we r both sort of the jealous types.

Anyway, in acts of anger he "deleted" his accounts bc he says i was being "irrational". To find out later on ( dnt remember how long after) he had his accounts back up and she was still friends w him and chatting w him bt he would delete his txts until i read one she send him to call her. Apparently it was abt a motorcycle this chicks husband wanted to purchase from my husband or so he told me.

So i took upon myself to delete her and block her from his Facebook.

Foward to not so long ago. She appeared in his Instagram and i did the same. I did not confront this time just went ahead to block her. Just to find out he recently had her as a friend again. Possibly talking to her. Now i havent found any proof he is chatting w her bt if u know if u are friends again in Instagram and she was the one being blocked that tells me . He searched for her and unblocked her? Now i dnt know if im over reacting or should i confront him abt it. He has made it clear before to me or so he says . She is nothing to him bt a friend.what do you guys think? What would u do in my situation? Please help. Thanks