Feeling guilty about lack of space

This has been something I’ve been struggling with through this whole pregnancy, and I kind of want to vent, and maybe hear from others that it’s okay, or that it’s not. I’d love to hear perspective on this issue.

My husband and I planned having our third around the fact that we were in the process of building and buying a new home, more space and another bedroom. At the time, and now currently, we’ve been in a 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment for the last few years. It is fairly big for an apartment, about 1200 sq. ft not including the backyard we have. My two little ones were sharing a room so it wasn’t a problem.

But Covid got worse, and my husband and I were both furloughed for a period of time which caused us to lose our home. Fortunately we had a good amount in our savings to hold us over during that time, and we still do.

But I can’t help but feel guilty bringing a third baby into a 2/2 apartment, I don’t know why but it makes me feel like I’m not providing enough and I’m a bad parent. And with the housing market right now, it’s impossible to find any houses to buy or rent. We live in a very large city and my realtor says each house is getting 100+ offers. So we feel stuck for this next year here.

And it’s not like it’s a bad place, it’s very nice but for some reason I feel guilty having three kids in an apartment. Granted the baby will be in our room regardless for the first year while the older two continue to share a room.

Am I overreacting over this all? I’ve definitely struggled with depression and anxiety a lot this pregnancy and I’ve been giving myself a hard time. I think because none of this was part of our plan and I feel inadequate..