Just need a rant


😩 I’m so done being pregnant... 39+3... and they just cancelled my 39 week appointment for tomorrow... now I don’t get an appointment until AFTER my due date. No chance at a membrane sweep, or scheduling induction until 41 weeks. I’ve tried everything to induce labor.. Castor oil, primrose oil, I walk a mile every day, sex, red raspberry leaf tea, I bounce on my ball daily. my baby is just not wanting to come out. I have had no signs of labor no mucus plug or anything. I don’t know if I’m dilated since they didn’t check at my 38 week appointment so I just am lost. I’m a FTM and I’m an emotional mess. Hopefully this full moon will do something. And everytime I try to talk to my mom or my husband about it it’s “she’ll come when she’s ready” well OBVIOUSLY we’ve established that. Ugh SOS lol