Next step after failed IVF cycle

This is my story and I would love to hear from some on you about what you think.

I’m about to be 32 years old.

5’4 now 230 (currently weight gain from <a href="">IVF</a>)

In 2015 I naturally conceived my son within 4 months of TTC. Had an amazing pregnancy. Hardly any weight gain, healthy, smooth. I did have a C-Section on my due date. I went into labor naturally and pushed for about 3 hours before my DR recommended moving on to a C-section do to my sons size and he wasn’t passing my pelvic bone. Spiked fever also was an issue. Overall, smooth surgery, healthy baby at 9 pounds. Smooth recovery.

Was only on BC for 3 months after birth. Haven’t taken any since besides during <a href="">IVF</a> cycle.

No other health issues. Super regular periods. Like clock work.

Come 2019 we started TTC baby #2. First 4 months I just went with the flow, paid attention to cycle and ovulation tracking. After 4 months TTC I started using ovulation test, really lying more attention to my body, tried preseed, was taking prenatals. August 2020 I started seeing a fertility specialist. After baseline testing, We discovered I had low follicle count. I can’t remember my numbers exactly but plan on asking my nurse for this information again. I had 4 follicles on left and 3 on right on day 3 of cycle. I think my AMH was 3.6. My doctor didn’t seem very concerned but suggested since my insurance covered the <a href="">IVF</a> that we should skip <a href="">IUI</a> and go right to <a href="">IVF</a> since it betters my chances and it’s covered anyway. I agreed and started my STIMS in November 2020. I was put on the most aggressive treatment plan they offer. I had a slow start to responding to medication. I think I had 13 follicle before ER and my right ovary basically just did not respond. I was on STIMs for 17 days😣😣. ER I only got 8 eggs, 4 fertilized, 1 5dag blast. 4cb before freezing. Was complimented by all my doctors and the doctor doing my transfer on my uterine lining. Kept telling how perfect and great it looked. Here we are now. Failed transfer.

I don’t know how to move forward. Second cycle is not covered. I wasn’t happy with how my body reacted to STIMS, and how many eggs were mature.

I would love to hear what someone who had a similar situation thinks or opinions in general.

I want to try natural again before <a href="">IVF</a>. I rather spend thousands of dollars on my own health than 20,000 on <a href="">IVF</a> with possible chances of the same results. Is there ways you know of where I can help my own follicle count rise, egg quality, egg quantity? I want to lose the 15 plus pounds I gained in two months of <a href="">IVF</a> and more. I’m going to go see my OB and talk to her also.