Hormone testing ?

Has anyone ever had their hormones tested ? What would I ask for if I wanted this done ? I've asked my obgyn for 3 years and she just says no need but in experiencing so many symptoms that I really feel my hormones are off. I have an appointment in a few days and I'm going to ask again for her to run tests but idk what exactly to ask for.

I'm almost 30, I have horrible adult acne all over my face and chest and my dermatologist says it's hormonal. I have it month and it gets so much worse with ovulation.

My ovulation is insanely painful , like I get lightheaded and dizzy and cramp so bad I can't stand up straight when I walk. Worse than a period .

My periods are 2 day if red blood and then like 8 or 9 days of brown spotting with a gross smell. I've had infection tests and there was no infection.

I have cramping all month and feel like I have my period all month.