New Years Day Baby!

Stacey • Married 💏7/22/17 👼 baby 2/8/19 👼 baby 5/29/19 🌈 👶 Claire Marie born 1/1/2021

Little late to post but wanted to introduce Claire Marie born 1/1/21 at 12:53 A.M. at 8lb 9oz and 20.8 inches long. Due date was January 13th but she came at 38w2d. She was the first baby born at our hospital in the new year. Labor lasted a total of 13ish hours from being admitted until she was born.

She had a 6 day NICU stay due to pneumothorax and jaundice but is a healthy (almost) 1 month old now. After 2 miscarriages we are so excited to have our rainbow baby!