Having a hard time with my husband

My husband is my world and I love him so much. I’m just having a little bit of a hard time with him. We have a 16 week old daughter and he just doesn’t get it sometimes. When she was born I had to have her via csection. It was literally the most physically traumatic experience for me. I actively labored at home for 24 hours before we were allowed to go to the hospital. Then I labored another 12 hours before they delivered her. The csection was painful. My husband stayed home from work for a week. So she was born on a Tuesday and he went back to work the following Wednesday. I was in so much pain. I suffered nerve damage from the surgery so I was constantly in pain even with the pain medicine. I was up all during the night with her. Walking her, changing her, feeding her and whatever else was needed. I witnessed him put a pillow over his head when she would cry. I had PPD for two weeks after he went back to work. I was going to take medicine for it but he told me that unless I felt like I couldn’t function that I shouldn’t take it. So I didn’t. When I’ve talked to him about it since he says that everyone he talked to said that they were fine after their csection and he didn’t think he need to help more than a week. When I tell him how hurt I was and still am about it he tell me that it’s done and in the past. I know I need to forgive him for it but I’m still so hurt that there was so much that wasn’t helped.

Now with our daughter he thinks that when she fusses that she should cry it out. I’ve told him she’s too young and if she’s crying he needs to pick her up. He absolutely adores her but I don’t think he understands how babies work. He constantly overfeeds her which causes her to throw it back up. I’ve told him time and time again that if he feeds her and then she fusses that he needs to check her diaper. That’s her cue that she’s wet and not to keep forcing more formula on her. He’ll say “I just checked her five minutes ago” and I’ve told him that she could have still peed in that time. So most of the time I end up taking care of it.

We also have a sweet senior dog. She’s 12 and very needy because well she’s old. He’s constantly yelling at her to not wake the baby. I’ve told him she’s not being bad and to stop yelling at the dog. He says that he knows but the baby needs sleep. Trust me she’s getting plenty of sleep. I track it on an app and she’s averaging 14 hours. Right on schedule.

I’ve talked with him and he just doesn’t get it. He’s so stubborn!! I don’t know what else to do.