People who are renting a room from us

Hello everyone! So my boyfriend and I rent out a room in our house to a friend and his girlfriend. They needed a place to stay but they couldn’t find anywhere else so they asked if they could rent a room but said they couldn’t pay more than a certain amount. (Which is very low for the area where our house is located) the girlfriend was constantly downing the new house because it was in an area she didn’t like and said they wouldn’t be renting for more than 3 months. Fast forward to 12 months later...She ended up being a bit of an inconsiderate person. Eating our food without asking, finishing the last of the coffee creamer, drinking our alcohol. We were all out in the backyard together and the couple were talking about wanting to get a pet and discussing different types and settling on a ferret. My boyfriend and I interrupted and said we didn’t want any pets in the house. 1. We weren’t sure how our dog would interact with it and 2. They had already proven to be messy tenants and we could only imagine how they would be if they had an animal. We didn’t say #2. We were constantly cleaning dishes and pots and pans if we wanted to cook because they would leave them there until we cleaned them. I went on a week long vacation to visit family and when I came back they “surprised” my boyfriend and I with a ferret. They literally bought a ferret and we’re keeping it a secret in their room from my boyfriend until I can back. He works long hours and only really comes home to eat and sleep. It took about a week before the smell of ferret permeated the living spaces and since their room was closest to the front door you could smell it as soon as you got in the house. When we had friends over it was the first thing they commented on 😔. Then even after explaining to them that it was not ok for them to do that they got a second ferret a month later. They ended up breaking up and the guy asked if he could keep them and we said no because we didn’t even want them there in the first place. The girl still comes to the house and spends the night at least 3 times a week and owes us a cumulative $420 for various things she broke or drank. Also she tried to steal a thermos of mine but it fell out of her bag, while we were helping move her things (she said she didn’t know it was in there). She also used to go in our bedroom on multiple occasions she said to use the mirror but my boyfriend put a hidden camera and she would use our bathroom and open drawers. When my boyfriend asked for the house key back she lied to him and said she didn’t have it and when I told her we can see her on the nest doorbell using a key and that she needed to give it back she said she’d give it back later. I got it back from her right then and there. She also left most of her things and we had to clean up after she left. My boyfriend texted her about owing us money and she didn’t respond back even though she was stayed the night in the house. The same night she smoked cigarettes in her boyfriends room and the whole house smelled like cigarette smoke I asked her on her way out of the bathroom if they were smoking and she continued walking towards her boyfriends room and said “Idk I don’t live here you should ask chad (her boyfriend).” At this point idk how to handle the situation I’m continually being put in uncomfortable situations and I am being disrespected in my own house. Just looking for advice on how to handle. I’m afraid of being looked at as the crazy Latina for how I feel I should react. Ladies who have been through this help me out PLEASE I want to handle this with grace but I’m struggling.