Naps - 14 months


Ftm here

My Child just turned 14 months. We were doing two naps a day one was at 10:30 and the other was at 2:30 in the beginning it was going very well 40 minutes each. Now we’re at 30 minutes each and she’s been waking up at 6:30 am

I’ve been trying for the past two months to get her to go to bed later and wake up later today. by 7 o’clock pm she was so tired because obviously she’s not napping in the day

can someone please tell me are these the signs of the one nap transition

let’s say for example I were to put it down at 12:30pm and only sleeps one hour - she wont make it to bedtime. What is there to do? I don’t want to put her to bed at 6/7 o’clock - doesn’t work with our schedule

Advice me. She is overtired and struggling