5 days late help girls!


Hey girls, i usually ovulate on cd28, this month however I was taking opks and never got a complete solid positive (they were extremely dark though)

I stopped taking them about a week after as I gave up hoping ovulation was coming, we only bd once in my supposed fertile window and that was cd29, and again on cd 40 and started spotting mixed with ewcm (really really light) cd41 until about 3 days ago. I'm so crampy, bloated and have so much extra wind (tmi but I've been farting so much 😄) took pregnancy tests and as of yet there's no positive sometimes I'll look and have line eyes but yeah nothing positive anyway. I'm 5 days late on my period. Could I of ovulated a week or 2 after I was suppose to and just getting period symptoms now?? Worried as my cycle has always been spot on since I had my son this time last year.