How to figure out a cleaning schedule with your fiance


Ever since I moved in with my fiance we've been fighting back and forth over cleaning. I was laid off for a while due to Covid so at first I was the one doing all of the cleaning. Ever since I've been back to work he keeps making comments to me about how things aren't getting done. The other day I got a long text from him complaining how he came home to dishes in the sink and that the dogs made a mess. I wasn't even home from work yet, (I work 8am-4pm), and I feel like he expects me to magically have it done or to wake up super early to clean. I usually do dishes in the evening and deep cleaning on my days off, but he doesn't seem to understand that I'm busy too. I've been trying to not fight about it but the comments got to me tonight and I couldn't take it.

Now I'm on the couch wondering how to solve this issue. Usually when I try to talk to him about it he doesn't want to. I think that's partially why we have gotten in the same arguments. I've tried a chore list also and that was never touched.

Any advice on what works for other couples?