Any other babies on nutrimagen?


Ive cut everything out of my diet and my son still has severe eczema, bad gas, mucouy stool like pure mucus. Ive literally done everything under the sun i could, nothings working he still is reacting poorly even with slow weight gain... last couple days he wont even finish bottles because is belly hurts. The lactation nurse said its time to switch him over and stop breast milk asap and im literally sick over it. I am so sad and i feel awful to switch on him out of no where ive been crying all morning and idk why ive done everything i can but I worked so hard to breastfeed this long and now what do i do with all my breastmilk? Ive been pumping 34oz a day and not he doesn’t need it. I guess im more venting then questions because i am just so upset over this. I really hope this helps him i just love him so much I thought our breastfeeding journey was going to go farther