Help...Spotting no period TMI


Sooo where to start... Ugh I've never been regular I have been taking provera to start my cycles and clomid 100mg to help me ovulate. I took provera I got my period I took clomid on days 7-9 (keep in mind I only had a period that consisted of 7days) my period was expected to arrive on 1/27 and since that day(1/27) I have been spotting... This is the first time I have spotted this long and on the day's I should have a period. On day one of spotting I just peed a little blob of mucus/blood size of a dime or even less after that the following days I just spot between brownish and pinkish. Has anyone experienced this? I do my own Dr Google research and the only thing I see is about pregnancy or implantation. Someone help