TTC after missed miscarriage 🤞🏻😔


I found out I had a missed miscarriage on 12/10. We were in for our 12 week scan when they said they couldn’t find a heartbeat and it had stopped developing at 9 weeks and 1 day. I had no symptoms of anything wrong until then. Had a d&c on the following day with heavy bleeding/clotting and vvv bad cramping on the 4th and 5th days after the procedure. Followed by fairly light bleeding up until around Christmas Day which was the 2 week mark where they said we could resume normal activities. I had something similar to a period 1/8-1/11. It was very dark blood coming out, but never very heavy. Definitely not bright red and heavy for first couple of days like normal. I decided to test out an ovulation test a couple of days after my period ended and got a faint line then took another on 1/18 and it was positive! We did the baby dance several times in the next few days and I (very impatiently) waited to take a pregnancy test. The first I took was a first response at 8 dpo. I know..super early. I posted that one and the one from the following morning in the faint lines group and everyone said positive! I decided to wait till this morning at 11 dpo to take another one and it’s very obviously negative. Now just a few minutes ago, I took another pregnancy and an ovulation test just for fun and the ovulation test has a faint line, and you can’t even make up a second line on the pregnancy strip. Am I going crazy or is my entire system out of whack because of this miscarriage?? I don’t really know what to think at this point.

Test from 1/26 - 8 dpo

Test from 1/27 - 9 dpo (while still wet)

Ovulation and preg test from today (11 dpo)