
Hey everyone. Stressed out new mom here. My daughter is six months old, and before she was born her father has been telling me to move out. He renewed the apartment lease and took me off of it, and I now have until the end of March to get a place, he tells me. He has an 8 year old daughter who visits every other weekend. She was coughing every five minutes the last weekend she was here. She’s back today, and coughing, on my side of the bed. I quietly advised him it was happening. He got very upset, mocked me in a funny voice saying “oooo a child coughed on my side of the bed”. Umm, there is a global pandemic. Did I mentioned, he tried recording me when the baby would cry and would lie and say I caused her to cry? He started doing this after I advised him on what I think custody should look like once I move. I guess I don’t have a question, just looking for moral support. Any tips on letting this roll off my back? I pretty much do, but sometimes I just need to vent, so I’m doing it here lol.