Slow rising HCG

Hi everyone,

Wondering if anyone has had a viable pregnancy with slow rising HcG levels. I had a mc a year ago and after many months of trying I’m pregnant again.

At 5w from LMP my first level was 268.

48 hours - 395 (doubling time of 85 hours)

72 hours - 837 (doubling time 66 hours)

Another 48 hours later - 1350 (doubling time 70 hours) (I am 6w5d)

I had another blood test today but no results yet. The numbers are definitely low for the number of weeks I am. My OB is concerned about ectopic. My Ultrasound is planned for Tuesday but the wait is killing me!! I have sore breasts but no nausea. No cramping or bleeding.

Hoping to hear some positive stories!