It’s complicated...

So me and this guy have been talking for almost a year (will be in March) and we haven’t given titles but we’ve been doing relationship things. We’ve discussed a relationship but we both were very hesitant because we both had bad previous relationships. (Side note, I’m a senior in college and he works a full time job 2 hours away from where I live and can only see him on the weekends every so often.) I am absolutely in love with him and he admitted it as well. I even met his parents for the first time a few weeks ago. He has shown me love I’ve never had before and makes me extremely happy.

Recently, within the past week or two, he’s been extremely dry. He doesn’t text me even half as much as he usually does. The last time I saw him I caught a glimpse of his phone and he was texting someone, I never have and never will be the type to go through a phone or be demanding in needing to know what they’re doing. What bothered me about it was he was being secretive and it didn’t sit well.

I guess I’m just asking for advice on what to do. He’s NEVER acted this way before and I’m petrified he wants to see someone else/other people and he doesn’t want any kind of relationship with me anymore.

Thank you!