I need advice please...


So I’m about 6 weeks pregnant, I told my fiancé and we were super excited since I have had several miscarriages and we were told I couldn’t have kids. So far blood levels are going up properly and no problems. Well today I found out my fiancé has been cheating on me for quite a while with his previous baby momma. Who said I’m not aloud around their baby and calls and harasses me to the point I have had to change numbers several times. A previous miscarriage around Christmas, my fiancé’s parents (who hate me and love his baby momma) told her about my miscarriage. She called me at 3am, laughing at me and said “it’s a good thing you can’t have kids, you would just fu€k them up like your mom did to you.” My mom killed herself a few years ago. And was my bestfriend. So she hit me very low on 2 subjects. He is now questioning if my baby is even his when I haven’t slept with anyone else in over 3 years... Today he told me he might be moving with her in March if I can’t “stop being childish” and try to get along with his parents. His mom has threatened to kill me and told me my mother killed herself because I drove her crazy.. I am going to have to have a c-section because I have a bicornuate uterus and they said that my baby most likely won’t have enough room before I hit 9 months. So I am terrified of going through all of this alone, and I feel like my life just crashed. The best thing to ever happen to me, is quickly spiraling into a mess and I have no one to go to.. I’m scared, I’m stressed, I starting spotting a little on and off. Blood labs show my levels are still going up but the spotting scares me. I tried to talk to my fiancé and he told me that I’m probably gonna miscarry again and then I’m gonna be all upset over it... they way he said it seemed like he doesn’t care at all.. I don’t know what to do... And I don’t wanna do this alone...