Did I do something wrong

Hello girls 🥺 so for a while I’ve been wanting a tattoo. I’ve been wanting something meaningful with a date. I wanted to tattoo my dad and moms words. It’s a meaningful statement they always tell me. I never shared this with anyone because it’s something that I have been really thinking about. I finally told my bf and he got mad....

My bf has tattoos. Personally I don’t like them but I would never give him a hard time. He currently has his neck tatted and fingers and now wants to get the back of his head. He wants to get a rose with a spider. He told me he was planning on getting one.

So I told him “oh nice baby...is there a special meaning??” And he says the following:

So I finally confessed I want one on the side of my rib with the statement. She’s my favorite fitness model ( before anyone says I’m exposing her pic)

Im asking him questions because I want to know .... this would be my first one and have no experience

So I come across the artist I have been thinking of going and showed my bf her work. And he says in Spanish “do whatever the fuck you want” i dont understand his drastic change in mood.


Honestly I could never share anything. Idk why he gets mad.

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