He cheated

Just found out my boyfriend of almost a year fooled around with an acquaintance of mine last week Thursday. He treats me so good, I introduced him finally to my family at the beginning of Jan. Which is a HUGE deal for me.

So my acquaintance (lets call her Jill) actually followed me on IG today. She sent me a msg beginning with "Hey sis..." But she deleted it before i had the chance to open it and read it. A few hrs later, a friend of mine called saying "Hey Jill wanted me to tell you that your bf cheated on you last week with her friend." So I get Jills number, she tells me all about how she & her friend went out to meet some guy (we'll call him Bill) because Jill was talking to Bill.

I recall last Thursday. I was not with my bf. He went out with Bill, which I allowed. He FT me once while they were out, and I could see Bill with a girl. I didnt care. Bill aint my man. Anyways fast fwd to today, Jill is sayin her friend ended up leaving with my bf and went to his house. Her friend describes in detail, the inside of the house. Jill relays the msg to me. Its accurate. We're arguing. Jill doesnt want her friend to be beat up. I tell her to call her friend i wanna talk to her myself. She doesnt. Instead Jill calls back. Says SHE WAS THE ONE WHO FCKD MY MAN. SHE DESCRIBED HIS HOUSE ON HER OWN. She said they were drunk, he told her he was single. They went into bed. Cuddled. Fucked the next morning before he took her home. Then he called me around 7am according to my own receipts.

He owns up to it. He is currently crying. I love him to death. But i really dont know what to do. I let him go out & do whatever and this is the thanks I get. Our kids love each other like siblings. Anyone caught their s/o cheating but still ended up happy????