IUI Help!!


So I've already gotten pregnant naturally and carried a baby to term perfectly healthy after a one night stand.

I've already had multiple tests done and all my scans came back perfectly fine and my doctor says my body is in good shape for another pregnancy, and he advised me to start taking prenatals. My menstrual cycles are regular as can be besides for being off a day or 2. I was recently late 13 days however but I believe that was linked to a new medication that I have now stopped and a traumatic event. So I'm hoping it will all go back to normal this cycle❤️

These are my current BF's results (going back for a second scan in 6 weeks) the numbers aren't ridiculously low and 75 percent of the sperm are viable, his doctor said that was a really good thing. So we know he isn't sterile and I was hoping he just needed a boost, but my OBGYN seen us yesterday and said if the second test comes back low he will refer us to the ciliary clinic and he mentioned <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>.

Can anyone help give me some advice that had been in the same boat or know of another similar boat. Would we be looking at <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> or would a boost for sperm count and mobility be enough considering I have no issues?