Creepy Client taking photos of me


So I work at a hair salon helping my friends mom with small tasks such as sweeping hair, cleaning chairs, the bowls... so she had this client and her daughter come in once and the lady got this weird liking to me. Fast forward a couple weeks ago, the lady came in by herself. I noticed that she was taking photos of me on her phone. I heard the camera down go off and she was very obvious holding her phone off. Plus when I passed by she had her camera app opened. Fast forward to today, my boss caught her trying to take a photo but turned her around before she could, she said she only caught my leg. My boss told me next time she’s here to go into the back room until she leaves. My question is, is there any legal action I can take against this women? She’s taking photos without my consent, I don’t know her, I don’t know what she’s doing with those photos. I feel very uncomfortable because of how creepy this is. What can I do?