Help! Suggestions on how to deal with Prodromal labor!

I am 40 weeks 1 day pregnant today, and I have been having contractions everyday every 10-15 minutes, they last about 1-1.5 minutes and have been happening like this for about 2 weeks. I talked to my OB and they didn’t really have any suggestions other than Tylenol. Usually I can deal with them by getting in the bath and taking a Tylenol. But after losing my mucus plug and having a cervical check done yesterday they have been very intense. They kept me up all night. I can’t talk when they happen. I have taken Tylenol, gotten in the bath, gotten on the yoga ball, and taken a hot shower and they aren’t letting up. They don’t let up even when I change positions or walk around. But they aren’t getting any closer together, just more painful. Please help! I need suggestions...