What happens now?

Jessica • 29 years old 🤰 letrozole baby #1 due April 2022 😍 nearly 2 years TTC

Hi! My husband and I have been trying consistently for over 14 months without success and have been referred to a fertility clinic. I had the implant (implanon) in for the last 10 years and rarely got a period. Since coming off that in Aug 2019 my periods were pretty regular with cycles between 28-32 days. My last two cycles have blown out to 43 days and counting! He has had his sperm tested twice with borderline morphology being picked up both times (3 months of menevit did nothing). All my tests were good with my AMH at 62.1 so very high but no PCOS. I have no idea what to expect now and have been putting off my clinic appt due to work and cost. Has anyone been in this situation and if so what happened next? (I'm in Australia)