Quick question

On this app when I enter my period as day one does it automatically puts the ovulation day correctly or is it just a guess still?

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Posted at
It’s a guess but the longer you update and use the app is the more accurate. It’s all about finding your average menstrual cycle days and then guessing the day you ovulate. But some people don’t always ovulate the 7th day of their cycle. Google more information on ovulation just in case we can’t give you the answer you’re looking for


Posted at
Over time it can be accurate but I would just keep testing with opk just incase


Posted at
As you go on with chatting it will start to adjust more correctly!


Posted at
It would be still a guess if you're new to the app.I have been on here since 2016, but I just started OPKs last March. Mine is pretty spot on now.


Posted at
It's just a guess based off of when most women with your cycle length would ovulate. I started testing everyday with cheap pregmates just a couple days after my period to make sure I didn't miss it, and I'm glad I did, because it turns out I was ovulating up to a week before the app said I would and I was missing my window.


Posted at
It’s only as accurate as the information you input. The best way to track ovulation is with OPK and BBT.