Second Pregnancy: Inlaws are acting different

My son was about 9 months old when I found out I am pregnant with my second. We live close to my inlaws and they are pretty much the only ones we have to help us out. (My parents are in another country)

Anyways, after I processed that I am actually pregnant, I started giving my MIL hints that I am preggo but she just kept saying "You better not", "You should wait" and "Yeah, imagine adding pregnancy with all that's going on".

Back story: I work once a week as a nurse and is doing full time online school. My husband works in the Air Force and has to do some schooling in another state from February to May. He asked for me and my son to just go with him there and quit my job but my inlaws made me feel bad of just going the easy route. They promised to watch my LO on the nights I work since we are only 5 minutes away. My son has only spent one night with them ever and they don't follow anything I say on what they can't do or can do with him. However, I decided to stay home instead and keep my job and just resort to their help.

Fast forward, my husband couldn't help it and told them both that we are expecting again.

My MIL said: "For real? Oh no!"

My FIL said: "Do you guys not know what causes that?"

They didn't really reacted the way I expected. But I shrug my shoulders and my husband told them that if they won't be supportive, we will just move somewhere far. I have tried getting her updated in the pregnancy but she just don't care. I mentioned that I had my ultrasound and she didn't even bother asking how it went.

It just changed all of a sudden. Anyone else experienced this? Am I overreacting? Is this my preggo hormones doing this?