Experiences with Cytomegalovirus (CMV)


This is kind of long but I’m looking for others experiences with CMV. So, I was referred to a Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist due to a severe case of hyperemesis. When the Mfm doctor did his anatomy scan they found two “minor” issues as he explained it. The first was a small dilation in the ventricle of baby’s brain and the other was an echogenic bowel. They ruled out Cystic Fibrosis and Down Syndrome as I had tested low risk with my NIPT. They proceeded with a Torch panel as the said that an infection could also be the cause of the echogenic bowel. The torch came back positive for Cytomegalovirus (CMV). All I’ve been told so far is that I was positive for CMV and told a brief idea of what could happen to baby if she has congenital CMV at birth. I am not set up for another appointment with MFM until the 11th of Feb. and it’s driving me crazy. I have another ultrasound with the regular OB Monday but I’m worrying myself. The MFM told me to read up on CMV on the March of Dimes and CDC websites and I feel that made it worse. Anybody else have experience with CMV ? Advice? Questions I should ask?