Raising kids in a bad neighborhood?

I live on the nice side of town in my city. We do live in nicer apartments but have been looking for homes for about a year, we just haven’t found anything we like in our price range. Our neighbor was always quiet and it’s a good place to live. We have ocasional loud neighbors on the weekends but nothing bad. We have never had anything stolen or anything. About 6 months ago a teenage or young adult guy moved in to some apartments behind us. He doesn’t work because he’s here all hours of the day. He clearly smoked weed outside his apartment but he’s never bothered any of us. In the last 6 months we’ve seen the cops around/at his apartment a total of 5 times. We’ve never seen a cop in our apartments before. Sometimes we hear him fight with his friends that are over or we hear people scream through his door. Maybe he owes him money or something like that we only hear bits and pieces. He recently got a dog and he walks him around our apartments and we notice he lets the dog poop on everyone’s lawns and doesn’t pick it up. One of our elderly neighbors asked him to please pick up his dogs poop and he went crazy on him. Telling him he could let his dog shit anywhere he wants we live in apartments after all and if he wanted a better life he could go buy a house and he was purposely going to let the dog shit all over his front yard. Today another neighbor went over to ask him to stop leaving the poop all over the yard and he pulled a gun out at him. I’m honestly so scared and never had anything like this happen before. I’m nervous to raise my child here.